The Impact of Shocking Life Events on Health: A Study by University College London.

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Life events that are shocking and cause worry can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health, according to research from University College London. The study found that chronic stress can disrupt the immune system, nervous system, and hormones, leading to various health issues.

The researchers measured four markers in the blood of over five thousand subjects who were over 50 years old. These markers, including crp and fibrinogen as signs of inflammation, cortisol, and igf-1 as indicators of the immune reaction, were used to categorize the subjects into high, moderate, or low-risk groups for potential illness.

The study found that when the immune system and hormone production function harmoniously, overall health is maintained. However, chronic stress can disrupt this balance, leading to health problems. Previous life situations such as the death of a loved one, divorce

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